Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't drink and drive!

Yesterday was completely dead. I mean, so dead that I ended up repricing a lot of our merchandise, scrub the window free of residue left from a sticker, and do some crunches and cardio in the booths. How much did I make? I made just enough to buy me a new Hooters jacket. Since moving here, I've bought so much winter stuff and one more jacket can't hurt :)

We have this regular who creeps me the eff out. He comes in all the time and has the craziest droopy-eye thing I've ever seen. He acts like he knows everything and we all joke he should just apply to be a Hooters girl. Anyway, he came in once before and I had him at my table. Must be a newbie thing because none of the other girls told me how he was. Oh well, I learned the hard way. This guy talked about wanting to set up something to get pictures of me, kept saying he wants to take me out, hit me over the head with thundersticks (literally, HIT ME OVER THE HEAD AS HARD AS HE COULD!!), and would not leave me alone. He will latch on to a girl and obsess over them endlessly. Oh, and when you're away, he will talk as much trash as he can about you. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. He came in yesterday and I was pricing the merchandise. A new girl was standing and talking with me when he interrupted us and talked about how awesome he was that he drove drunk yesterday without hitting anyone or getting pulled over.

Let me stop here and tell you how much this infuriates me. My best friend almost died because she drove home drunk. Hearing him talk about it like it's no big deal just angered me hardcore. As I opened my mouth to say something, new girl jumped in and laid into him.

"Wait wait wait!!! You mean to tell me you drove home, drunk, on the effin highway, and think it's a joke?? What about the innocent people on the road?? Seriously, we live in a town with a million hotels and you couldn't have the brains to just stay in one for a night?? No, I can't believe you would brag about that. It's not cool at all."


And Crazy Eye walks away without another word. I look at New Girl and smile. She's pretty much my hero.


Nora said...

NEW GIRL IS AWESOME! haha. way to tell him off!

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