Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I work a double tomorrow (Wednesday), Sunday, and I work Friday night. I'm pretty stoked, especially because it means that I got four days off this week. We'll see how well this does for my income.

I worked doubles on Saturday and Sunday this past week, not scheduled. I was very happy-go-lucky and ready to go until about 4 or 5pm on Sunday. I don't know why, but my attitude completely did a 180. I went from being very happy to downright angry at everything and everyone. It didn't help the fact that a regular who comes in all the time sat in my section. This guy thinks his shit doesn't stink. Whatever, that's who he is. So after a while his all-knowing attitude really gets to me and I just walk away.

Finally it all came to a boil when a girl makes coffee and walks away to do other work. Somehow, the coffee fell off the wait station and burned my leg; not too bad, but just enough to hurt me. So I just started to cry. Haha, typical of me. I went to the back to redo my makeup (with the help of some of my lovely girls <3) and I was back to my happy self. . . . probably helped that we were completely dead Sunday night. I have the Jets/Dolphins game to thank for that. :)

Oh! And I finally got bangs!! Everyone at work has them and I've been dying to get them for forever but I was too chicken. Well, they're not exactly how I wanted them done, but they work for now. I will post a pic sometime soon.

So, there's also the Jonathan situation. Sunday afternoon I went to check my phone and I see a skype notification and a new email. Well there are only a handful of people that skype me lately, and I can safely eliminate about half of them. So I open it and it's from Jonathan. He had emailed me because he thought I was ignoring him. So anyway, we talked later that night (or technically morning) and we've talked everyday since. Today we talked about our breakup and everything that has happened. I'll save that convo for another day because it was definitely a long convo.

I've gotta go finish some homework. I'm praying that Thursday I'll be out and about with a girl from work. I haven't gone out since I've moved here. Woohoo!!


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