Monday, March 7, 2011

So last night was the Duke/UNC game and I had to bartend with another bartender. Oh, this should be easy I said.


Ticket after ticket after ticket popped up on drinks me and the other bartender had to make for a solid 5 hours. How we did it, I have no idea. But we worked awesome as a team and someone even called back today to say how pleasant their experience was at the bar. This really made my day because I really try my hardest to be a good waitress or bartender to my customers. :)

Then the shift was drawing to a close. There were three guys at a nearby table, asking me and one other girl to kick everyone out because they wanted to be the last ones in the restaurant. This normally wouldn't bother me as I would assume they were just being dumb. This time I felt strange, like they were expecting more from the girls. They asked the weirdest questions and stayed well after close. Finally, most of us girls went to the back room to change and go home. However, there was one girl up front, still trying to flirt with them and being totally oblivious to the advances of these guys. She got a few eyebrow-raises from us and we told her she needed to be more careful (she's pretty naive).

Oh yes, I can't forget about one regular. He comes in all the time and tips insanely well. I'm talking 100 dollar tips on 50 dollar tabs. Hes so nice and cares genuinely about us, asking how we are and joking with us. Despite the fact the bar was backed up, the kitchen screwed his order up, and we didn't talk to him a whole bunch, he still left 96 on 105. He is just over the top nice.

Bar shift tomorrow night. I should get to bed since I have a lot of errands to run before work. Well, I'll finish my wine first :)


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