Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For As Much As She's Stumbled, She's Running.

I've been so busy that I haven't really been able to update this for the past few days. I bought a new netbook (which I'm writing on right now!) to take with me to places like Starbucks, Panera, or just for home. I can do my schoolwork on it and also write here on it. I freakin love it! I wanted the pink HP netbook but it was like 80 dollars more expensive. I couldn't justify spending that much for a netbook that does the same things as this one does.

I also got a job!! It's not the one at the company, but for now it'll do. Haha I'm gonna be a Hooters girl! :-) I was eating dinner with my dad and decided just to get the application for the hell of it. I didn't think anything would happen of it, but next thing I know I'm sitting with the manager in an interview, 1 1/2 beers in and with ratty jeans. He hired me on the spot. So I had to take this three hour course and exam on alcohol and drug safety but I passed!!! Now I've just gotta get set up for orientation and I'm good to go. I'm so excited!! I can keep going with school and still have money for bills and whatnot. I hope I make friends and meet people this way, too. It also makes me feel really pretty to know I got hired right away. I don't have the boobs at all, but I figure I can just wear my uber bras from Victoria's Secret lol. Woohoo!!!!

I went and worked out for a while yesterday, but alas, no hot guys. Oooooo but I did see a super hot guy at Walmart. I wish I would have said hi to him. Maybe next time :-)

I've been trying to keep up with my friends back home, but only a handful have written me back. My best friend hasn't asked how I'm doing or what's been going on, but my other best friend always asks what's up. I'm just ready to start over :-P

Alright, gotta have a quick breakfast. I'm going to work out, come home, and then go exploring. There's a Ross and Ulta plus a mall down the street. I still have to unpack so I'll do that later today, too.


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