Sunday, August 1, 2010

I ain't settlin' for anything less than everything

I'm so excited to make this my home!! This is the view from our balcony. When I was there on vacation, the weather was hot but definitely not as hot as it is here in freakin' Florida. Ughhhh!! Every time I told someone that Florida's heat was so much worse, they looked at me like I was exaggerating and I didn't know what I was talking about. The best way I can describe Florida's heat to NC's heat is that Florida is . . . . suffocating.

Artsy Matt keeps asking me if I would like to see him before he moves (he'll be about two hours away from where I'm moving by random coincidence). I have NO idea how to tell him that, even though our date a couple of weeks ago was so much fun, I don't see him as anything more than a friend. I need someone who has a sort of schedule, a plan, or something. I don't want someone who goes out every night either. I don't know . . . I mean he's such a great guy. I just don't see boyfriend in him.

I'm not the girl who needs a boyfriend to survive. I refuse to settle when I don't feel that *chemistry* with someone. When I feel it, I'll know. Until then, I'm just going to go out and enjoy myself.


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