Thursday, August 12, 2010


These are the main girls in my life. They're the ones that I fight with, I laugh with, I roll my eyes with, I drink with, and I love. I officially said goodbye to (most) of them this week. Ok, not really goodbye, but a see you later sorta thing. My room is packed, my days are numbered here, and I just don't know what to feel at this point.

Artsy Matt contacted me from Virginia. Like I said before, I really don't feel anything for him, but his text just . . . . ummm wow. We went back and forth talking about how I'm leaving on Saturday. He wants me to contact him when I get up there so we can hang out. Ok, not bad. I told him I'm actually looking to move to Charlotte which is a couple of hours farther away. So what does he write? "If you are looking for a roommate or something like that, just let me know ;-)". NO!! I don't even really know you! Why the hell would I room with you? That really just ughhh I rolled my eyes and didn't write back.

Ummmm so yeah, that's about it.


Nora said...

lol. men. they are...something, aren't they? :)

Good luck with the move hun!!

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