Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hi there!

My name is Ms. Nutmeg and I'm 22 years old. I started this blog because I used to have a paper journal but I find this might work a lot better for me. I'm going through a lot of change in my life right now and I'm starting this blog to help me with all of it.

Back in May, my boyfriend and I broke up. Come to find out he had another girlfriend on the side and had been seeing her for quite some time. While this has hurt me immensely and I definitely feel pangs of self-doubt, anger, and sadness, I know that it just means there is someone out there who is better for me.

I'm moving up to North Carolina in just two weeks and completely starting my life over. My friends, my job, my entire life is going to be left behind as I begin to figure out who I am and who my soul mate is, whatever that means at this point. I hope this journey will make me laugh, cry, beg, smile, and, most importantly, open up and fall in love again.

We'll see what happens and where life (and this blog) will take me from here.


Cheyla Marie said...

Moving to NC by yourself? You must be very brave! Good luck! =)

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